Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de delay

to delayretrasar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I delayyo retraso
you delaytú retrasas
he delaysél retrasa
she delaysella retrasa
we delaynosotros retrasamos
you delayvosotros retrasáis
they delayellos retrasan
they delayellas retrasan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I delayedyo retrasé
you delayedtú retrasaste
he delayedél retrasó
she delayedella retrasó
we delayednosotros retrasamos
you delayedvosotros retrasasteis
they delayedellos retrasaron
they delayedellas retrasaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have delayedyo he retrasado
you have delayedtú has retrasado
he has delayedél ha retrasado
she has delayedella ha retrasado
we have delayednosotros hemos retrasado
you have delayedvosotros habéis retrasado
they have delayedellos han retrasado
they have delayedellas han retrasado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had delayedyo había retrasado
you had delayedtú habías retrasado
he had delayedél había retrasado
she had delayedella había retrasado
we had delayednosotros habíamos retrasado
you had delayedvosotros habíais retrasado
they had delayedellos habían retrasado
they had delayedellas habían retrasado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will delayyo retrasaré
you will delaytú retrasarás
he will delayél retrasará
she will delayella retrasará
we will delaynosotros retrasaremos
you will delayvosotros retrasaréis
they will delayellos retrasarán
they will delayellas retrasarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have delayedyo habré retrasado
you will have delayedtú habrás retrasado
he will have delayedél habrá retrasado
she will have delayedella habrá retrasado
we will have delayednosotros habremos retrasado
you will have delayedvosotros habréis retrasado
they will have delayedellos habrán retrasado
they will have delayedellas habrán retrasado

I would delayyo retrasaría
you would delaytú retrasarías
he would delayél retrasaría
she would delayella retrasaría
we would delaynosotros retrasaríamos
you would delayvosotros retrasaríais
they would delayellos retrasarían
they would delayellas retrasarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have delayedyo habría retrasado
you would have delayedtú habrías retrasado
he would have delayedél habría retrasado
she would have delayedella habría retrasado
we would have delayednosotros habríamos retrasado
you would have delayedvosotros habríais retrasado
they would have delayedellos habrían retrasado
they would have delayedellas habrían retrasado

Participio presenteAnotado
delaying retrasando

Participio pasadoAnotado
delayed retrasado

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